Author Archives: Vince

Norma 003: Revisions are coming

Norma 003: Revisions are coming

The Pelagic Sardine populations in the Sea of Cortes and Eastern Pacific may be in big trouble. When the last head of Conapesca (Mex departemtne of fihseries) Ramos Corral left office he issued several new permits for the fishing of Sardines. These permits were going to allow companies to build new and more importantly largerContinue Reading

Manzanillo Report in English

Manzanillo Report in English

Here is the report Ines and I did on the illegal long line fishery in Manzanillo last July. Unbelievably to us the report actually had an impact on the fishery and the federal government cracked down on the illegal long liners. I will be following up on what is happening down there shortly. The ManzanilloContinue Reading

Back in San Carlos

After several Glorious days of Sailing up from Mazatlan we are back in San Carlos for a few weeks to teach some sailing Sailing Courses and then off to the Midriff Islands and L.A. Bay. We sailed almost the entire distance from Mazatlan to San Carlos with a stop over at Topolobampo. Never in myContinue Reading


  Hemos logrado llegar hasta Manzanillo, en el bello estado de Colima, a pesar de no haber tenido mucho viento a favor y de los huracanes que se han estado formado. Llegamos al puerto comercial mas importante del Pacifico Mexicano, alrededor de hace 3 semanas.  Hemos estado aqui mas tiempo en ningun otro lugar porContinue Reading